Sunday, October 23, 2011

love love love

This post supposed to be written earlier..but due to my hectic and 'busy' schedule, i really didn't got the chance to do so..
story begins..


13th Oct 2011

it was my birthday!!! i'm 23...what???yes, i'm growing day was the same as usual..nothing special except for all the wishes here and there..thanks everyone!! until..when clinics and classes came to an dear Ain called, she really wants to meet me, she sounded sad, really sad..i rushed over to her..(deep in my heart, some sort of weird feeling came..entah2 die ni nk buat surprise kot!haha)
..when i arrived, i saw her sitting alone at a corner in Kedai Kopi, Tasik Shah Alam.. i aksed "kenapa ain?"..she didn't reply..looking worried and keep saying "tak tau la mcm mane nk ckp..ain sorry tau"..

suddenly, out of no where..i heard "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!"..a birthday song..i turned..ouh was my other dear friend, Yas, holding a piece of secret recipe's cake..hik3..i knew it!! both of sooo much..thanks for celebrating it with me dearies..hehe

when i got back home..another surprise awaits..mama, abah, amar and fatin were waiting with an ice cream cake..ouh dear, i was really touched..thanks all!!! <3

15th oct 2011

for the whole week, i've been waiting for Anas to come back home from Tapah..since he couldn't come back just to celebrate my birthday on the 13th, so we planned to celebrate it once he got we did..ouh dear, it was such a memorable day that me myself could ever imagine..

we went for a lunch date at Sorpino's Pizza, USJ..that was my first time going there..the foods were superb with affordable price..really worth it, definitely a recommended place to go..then we went to Sunway Pyramid, jalan2, looking for stuffs to where for the annual dinner..on the way back home, he bought me to Tutti Frutti..:) makan dkt rumah with my dear sis and nanny..hehehe

after solat Asar, Anas asked me to help him carry some durians from his car..which he brought form Perak..when i went to the back of the car, i saw a card "Specially for Mai Amir" *weird*
once i opened the boot..WOW!!!!!!!!!! balloons everywhere and there a big black plastic in the middle..i grabbed and opened..i t was a BIG TEDDY!!!!!!!!thanks syg..really appreciates it..u never failed to make me happy dear!!!<3

 the end~

1 comment:

  1. penat nk putar belit ayat.. nasib baek percaya gak la kn.. ngeheheheee... love u sygku.. ^_^


ding dong,