Friday, August 27, 2010

happy time with ain n ecah!


the driver

si die yg belanja kami..thanks babe!

venue: kedai kopi, tasik sec 2
date: almk...18/8/2010 kot
condition dri sendiri : bad selesema day..malu je..n sory ye sayangs!!terpakse melayan sy yg selesema teruk..huhu

Sunday, August 22, 2010


last friday, it was my turn for!!excited nye...hopefully ade case yg was me, kak lin, aya, kak didi, kak ain n kak naza bersama-sama dr mas..(dr mas yg bes!!)..smpi2 je kat hosp sg buloh..tros dr ade case..laceration wound..minor case la..bile da settle, dr pon ckp..mlm ni tade,dok je lam blk..ha??alaaa..(agk xbest la ble dgr,huhu)

after buke puasa..ktorg pon dok la lam blk..BORING..huhu...


kring..kring..(obviously...lin's phone doesn't sound like that..haha)

dr mas call!!kecoh sume org..ade case!!!(rse hepy tp rse pitty gk kat patient tuh..huhu) yg menarik..ade big laceration wound kat mandible..expected to have fracture..but alhamdulillah,, lin n aya assist dr gamba laa..hee..pastu bru got the chance to assist..

while in there, ktorg dpt tgk satu case lg..Ludwig's!!hee..

tik..tok..tik..tok..mate pon da pnt..bdn pon da xlrt..almost 1 am...pttla pnt..huhu..habis,ktrog pon blk room..hehe..even though ktorg puas hati..sbb time oncall ktorg ade case..xde la rse sia2 pegi..hehehe...yay!!

alamak..gamba blurr..

buke puasa time..

nk blk da...hee~

p/s: gmba case xley nk upload coz tade patient's consent..P&C

Monday, August 16, 2010

thanks maksu!!:D

today, we went to maksu's house at putra heights..
buke puase ramai2..bes..:D
since aida's bday bru je lps, 8hb aritu..we bought her a bday present..hehe..
after that, ktorg g trwh same2..hee
nw da blk umah da..hehe..kenye sgt..alhamdulillah..
thanks maksu!!*wink*

Sunday, August 15, 2010

sayonara my friend!! :D

today..some of my friends will fly off to,bestnye...they go there to attend the Asia Pacific Dental Student Association congress aka APDSA...i was planned to go there also..since 1st year kot da plan..but since it was held on ramadhan, terpaksalah batalkan niat tu..its year ke Thailand lak..if ade rezeki, insya Allah nk join..

1st time join APDSA mase kat Surabaya, Indonesia...bes2!hehe

p/s : korg!!have a save journey and have fun there!!tke loads of pics k!!:D


alhamdulillah..hari ni da masuk 5 hari kt puasa..
actually, i don't know what's the perfect title for this; ltk je la pape je.. :D
1st ramadhan arituh mmg hari yg sgt mencabar..mcm2 terjadi, n alhamdulillah Allah bg kekuatan for me to face it..
that day, mase kat kelas OM, bru realize yg sy x validate course mandarin lg..kelam kabut gle time tuh..sbb validation course nye session already closed..huhu..mmg sala sy..cuai..huhu...ape la nk jd nih..hmm..pastu dpt tau few of my friends pon xvalidate, ktorg pon try call office (asking for help)..sadly, sume org tgh bz n xpat tlg..mcm2 da terfikir mse tuh..igt nk g office it was my turn to go to, have to berserah je..

at was my 1st time being in there..pki baju OT..bes sgt..rase nk pegi lg!!hehe..mse tuh, ktorg g, maz n madah...dpt tgk case fracture Le Fort we know  how the surgeon fix!!kagum!hehe..unfortunately, ktorg lupe nk bwk, xpat la nk upload pics kat time msti jgn lupe..hee

on the way back tu pulak, traffic jam dasyat gle..just imagine, keluar hosp sg buloh pkul 12.40 tp pukul 2.30 bru smpi shah alam..rupe2nye ade lori sampah tu accident...cmne tah..huhuhu..planned nk g HEP (mslh validation tu la) canceled..thanks bai n liza coz tlg pegi..

ptg tu, msk clinic lmbt..thank God, doctors sume xmara..hee..because tade patient, maz n i continue doing our endo project..access cavity da lps..pulp extirpation pon da lps..canal medicament pulak da nk hmpir week continue..

alhamdulillah..after all, that day isn't totally unlucky for me..*wink*

Friday, August 13, 2010


alhamdulillah..dpt bertemu dgn Ramadhan lg..Ramadhan kali ni, rse cm excited sgt..bkn nk kate Ramadhan yg lepas2 tu x excited, tp this Ramadhan rse lg excited pulak..hope my Ramadhan this time will be much better than before..insya Allah..

this is just a piece of my mind..renung2 kan lah...

ALHAMDULILLAH..thank you Allah, terima kasih Allah..there are so many ways to recite our grateful n thankful to Allah..bkn nye susah pon nk ucap rase syukur kt sering leka dan terus terlupa..bila Allah da kurniakn rezeki kpd kt, msti ade je yg x cukup..bila da diberi kesusahan brula sedar yg selama ni kt terlalu jarang bersyukur..astaghfirullahalazim..manusia mmg cepat lupa..terlalu cepat selesa dgn kemewahan yg ada..

one day, i followed my mum to one of her islamic class..rase terharu n sebak sgt bile uztaz tu bercerita ttg kealpaan manusia..i still remember his phrase "kt sebagai manusia yakni makhluk yg terbaik yg Allah cipta, telah diberi akal utk berfikir, tp tdk pernah bersyukur..malah seringkali merungut..ade sj yg tidak mencukupi..selalu dengki antara satu sama lain..tidak malu kah kt dgn makhluk2 lain ciptaan Nya..sdgkn burung,binatang2 lain dan pokok pon selalu bersyukur dan memuji2 Allah..tetapi kt??...utk mengucapkan alhamdulillah pon satu perkara yg berat bg kt.."

Ya Allah..sesungguhNya hamba Mu ini seringkali leka dgn kemewahan dan keseronokan duniawi..ampunkan lah hamba Mu ini, Ya Allah..aku bersyukur dgn segala rahmat dan nikmat yg engkau kurniakan..redhailah perjalanan hidup ku ini..berkatilah segala ilmu yg aku pelajari dan masuk kan lah aku ke dalam Syurga Mu.. Amin..

this is one of my favourite song by Maher Zain

Thursday, August 5, 2010


geram + sedih + kecewa..waaaa!!!!rse nk adams plier is missing..n i really don't know where could it be..GOD,please help me..da la mhl..cmne ni??nape la xtulis nme siap2 kat alat tuh dlu..bile da hilang,br rase menyesal..huhuhu..

To those yg jmpe my adams plier,please return it back to me..really need it...stressssnyeee!!!!

p/s: sy mmg selalu cuai!!aiisshhhh~~

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

first denture issued~

alhamdulillah..i've issued mr first denture happy that only God know..glad that my patient was happy and satisfied with it..hehe...thanks a lot Pn Arasia coz sanggup tunggu sy siapkan denture tu..huhuhu..hopefully when it come to the review session, not so much problem occur..cuaknye..dup dap dup dap..

sparks of asia!!!

setelah sekian lame pening memikirkn baju dnr ape nk pki, ari yg ditunggu2 pon tiba..ece,skema gile ayat..haha..btw,the dinner was so awesome and fun..congrats 2nd year dental student..SPARKS OF ASIA..that's the theme of that night..mcm2 baju asia yg ade..mmg semua org pon sporting la..Dr Anis n Datin siap pakai kimono lg..sooo cute! was held at sacc convection center (dekat je ngan my house,haha)..mcm2 nk cite sebenanye..but just let the pictures talks..*wink*

an nyeong haseyo

haha..jd queen of asia la pulok~

sarang hae !!
with anas oppa..hee.~

with my buddy, abg nazrul~