haha..dulu sek dgr org ckp 'gomo klate gomo'..tp bkn nye phm pon..nw baru la tau..gomo = usaha..org korea ckp hwaiting!!..org cina ckp chaiyok2!!hehe..
ini bukan entry tuk ckp psl bola aritu..btw, congratz tu kelantan ye coz mng smpi dpt cuti sehari tuhh..seronok oghe klate.hee..well, arini nk cite psl my trip to kelantan last weekend..is it a pleasant or unpleasant journey??hurm??
actually,tujuan asal trip tu coz ktorg ade sukan intervarsiti fakulti pergigian..tuan rumah kali ni is USM, kubang kerian, klate..hee.journey yg supposed to be at 2.45pm akhirnye jd pukul 4..warghhh!!delayed mcm naik flight tuh..huh..travel punye travel..pukul 2 ke 3 bru la smpi UiTM Machang..ktorg dpt tdo kat kolej baru..so agak gembira la disitu..hehe..
next day, awal2 pagi lg kne bertolak ke USM..yay!!!!!!!xsaba nye..so this time, sy jd penyokong setia..hehe..sbb ni la time pat tgk anas oppa men futsal..slalunye match ktorg salu je clas..xpnah pon pat tgk si dia men futsal..hehe...wow!!sgt bergaya..haha..(gedik seyh)..ok2 enuf..most of the time, sy jd penyokong futsal..dpt tgk byk org terror men futsal..ade gaye ronaldo, gaye messi, gaye beckham pon ade..hehe..kpd team2 UiTM..korg mmg the best!!
pastu the best part mse kat sane ialah..jeng3!! i met my bestfren mase kat matrix dlu..bes sgt!!!!!!!!mis her sooooooooo much..hee..xsangke pat jmpe die jugak at last..siap jln holding hands lg..hahaa..syg mas suria mat daud!!hehe:D
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