Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Salam Aidilfitri!!

selamat hari raya semua..semoga Syawal kali ini lebih bermakna..insya Allah..tomorrow, i'll be heading to Perth, Australia..celebrate raye dkt sana la konon..hehe..hope to have a safe journey there..bye!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: click image utk gmbar bergerak..hik3

Monday, August 29, 2011

kad raya~

DIY : Kad Raya..haha

dulu2, tggu postman hantar kad raye..
pastu challenge antara adik beradik, siapa dpt byk card, die plg famous..haha..
then, bile dah nak hujung ramadhan, abah mesti dpt byk raya card from TNB..utk bg org..
after slt subuh, kumpul ramai2 dpn kad raye tu..
sorg cop name family, sorg letak setem, sorg masuk card dlm sampul..
then post utk sedara2 dkt kg, kwn2..
waaaa, rindu nye moment tu..
tp skrg dah takde dah tradisi kad2 ni..
semua wish via emails, facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc. setem pun dah mahal.. yup zaman berubah..
kids nowadays mungkin ade yg xtau pun the existence of kad raya.. 
nnt, kalau dah ade anak, ece, mesti kene bg diorg rase seronok nye bg and dpt kad raye ni..hehe..
feeling xsame beb ade dgn xdenye kad raye ni..haha

td bgn pg, bukak microsoft publisher, pastu design2 kad raya..hehe..
mmg betul2 kenangan..lalala

alamak, pic senget la pulak..haha..

tempeyek or rempeyek???

confusing??? totally i am..since i was kid, i was taught to pronounced it as bile dah besar and mule bergaul dgn org luar, ece, ramai pulak yg sebut REMPEYEK..kdg2 x tahu nk sebut ape..yela, if salah sebut nnt, org buat muke seriously..

well, anak2 dan adik2 sekelian, due2 bende ni same je la..tempeyek pun betul, rempeyek pun betul..xmasuk jail pun if salah ckp..lalala..

last 2 days kot, rasenye lah..bibik made us tempeyek..persiapan raye la kirenye..nnt boleh jamu org dtg beraya..sedap nye tempeyek bibik, if takde kacang lg sdp bik..hik3..(kau sorg je xmkn kacang mai oiii)

outdoor kitchen..hehe..bibik xpakai tdg, kene ltk crown..hehe

potpouri smells good!

DIY : Bekas Potpouri

jimat & mudah..
made this for my engagement day last month..wahh, dah sebulan dah jd tunang org..hik3..
bekas potpouri ni bg mase org bersalam..thanks kakak2 kedai pengantin dkt sec 9, sbb ajar..hehe..
siap dpt tempah lg from my cousin..she's getting married this september..made this for her wedding as a replacement of bunga telur on the dais..
dptlah upah skt..hehehe :D

all u need are:
  •  ribbons
  • tali manik
  • bekas tu beli dkt KL (Semua House, mmg semua ade)
  • bunga for hiasan 
  • potpouri (if utk aqiqah, org selalu gune bear)
  • pewangi
  • kain lapik potpouri (if use kain net, pun boleh)
  • most important glue gun..(senang kerja)

 p/s: buat ape nak membazir, if u can do it yourself..*wink*

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

so cute!!

귀여운 (gwiyeoun)

this means cute in korea..which is pronounce as "gwi yeo weo"

if u want to say " you are cute" = neo mu gwi yeo weo

but today's entry is not about learning korean..
 its about Yerin, a cute korean baby girl..

aaaahhh, she's so cute..
ouh, i'm so gonna marry a korean..haha..

more info about Yerin: 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

i realized..

this entry was inspired by maria elena's entry entitled : tentang hijab..

true story, yup it happens..ece, mcm suspen gile kan..haha..ok serious..this entry is a story about things i should not do..well early this year, (rasenye la) i was amazed by so many beautiful yuna, hana tajima, aishah amin, shea, maria elena and so many to be list..they are all gorgeous in their own way..agree? YES..(adore mereka)

i want to be like them, to dress like them, and to look pretty like them..i love fashion and i always do..i dream to be a model..yes i do..but since that, i became so obsess about fashion and what kak maria had said in her blog, mcm2 hijab contest ade dlm facebook..too many..semua org cantik2 yg join..

and i don't know how, i fall into one of was a model search contest..i went for the photoshoot..and surprisingly i lied to my mum saying i'm meeting some friends..ouh, damn stupid gile..

i thought it was going to be a very short and simple get to know and fitting session, and yet it turn to be some sorts of betul2 punye photoshoot..siap kene make up and ade professional photographer..itula terlampau ikutkn hati,huhu..katenye dah nak bile pkl 7 pun xhbs lg..mule la resah..yup mmg resah..YA ALLAH, what have i done..i cried there..dpn semua org yg ade..dah xkire dah malu ke ape..but i just i xsalah kn mereka was totally my fault..lemah nya iman aku..astagfirullah hal azim..when i got home, mama dah risau sgt2..not only mama, semua org pun risau..huhu..that was my biggest mistake..

i pray to GOD to forgive me..since then i realized, i never going to let myself go astray..far away from GOD..
insya Allah..

nak berfashion and modelling, xsalah.. asalkan berpada-pada.. igt tanggungjwab kt sbg muslimah sebenar..
(note to myself)
lepas nih, nk jd model, gune camera sendiri je sudah.. 
kan anas kan?? hehehe..
*forever alone*

Friday, August 19, 2011

feeling awesome!!haha


akhirnya penantian selama 5 weeks utk siapkn project : COMPLETED!!


fixed prostho   :

inlay  : DONE
onlay : DONE
3/4 crown : DONE
temporary bridge : DONE
veneer: DONE

endo project   : 

resin block : DONE
premolar : DONE
molar      : DONE

Alhamdulillah..thanks Allah kerana permudah kan segalanya..
now boleh concentrate on other things pulak..
busy nih..hahaha :D

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

mari berbuka puasa~

salam ramadhan~

pejam celik pejam celik, dah msk hari ke 11 kt puasa..
Alhamdulillah, still got the chance utk berpuasa dlm bulan yg mulia ini..ece, ayat nk skema je ak nih..
harini happy sgt..sbb dpt bbuke smbil reunion..ecece..
lame sgt xjumpe kwn2 kesayangan ku!!!!!

mule2 igt kn xdpt join, sbb class hari2 pun pkl 6 bru hbs..
takut la xsempat..
but fortunately en tunang yg sy syg itu nk tmn..
tercapai la jugak hajat nk bbuke dgn diorg..
thank you awk :)

harini, ktorg mkn besar dkt kenny rogers..
siapa belanja??sendiri2 la..
tu yg mampu..hehe..
tp kami dpt cake post tunang from umi and yas..thanks!!
cake yg sgt cute!!
smpi rumah, ktorg bahagi due..satu utk sy, satu utk anas..hehe

lps mkn besar, anas bwk pergi solat tarawih dkt surau ttdi jaya..
first time solat tarawih situ..

p/s: ouh ain, nk curik pics boleh???...hehe


few weeks later, ade iftar batchmate pulak..happy2!!
location: rumah anat..
food mmg terbaik!
then, ktorg slt trwh dkt masjid dkt rumah anat juge..

pic from anat's camera..:)