alhamdulillah..hari ni da masuk 5 hari kt puasa..
actually, i don't know what's the perfect title for this; ltk je la pape je.. :D
1st ramadhan arituh mmg hari yg sgt mencabar..mcm2 terjadi, n alhamdulillah Allah bg kekuatan for me to face it..
that day, mase kat kelas OM, bru realize yg sy x validate course mandarin lg..kelam kabut gle time tuh..sbb validation course nye session already closed..huhu..mmg sala sy..cuai..huhu...ape la nk jd nih..hmm..pastu dpt tau few of my friends pon xvalidate, ktorg pon try call office (asking for help)..sadly, sume org tgh bz n xpat tlg..mcm2 da terfikir mse tuh..igt nk g office it was my turn to go to, have to berserah je..
at was my 1st time being in there..pki baju OT..bes sgt..rase nk pegi lg!!hehe..mse tuh, ktorg g, maz n madah...dpt tgk case fracture Le Fort we know how the surgeon fix!!kagum!hehe..unfortunately, ktorg lupe nk bwk, xpat la nk upload pics kat time msti jgn lupe..hee
on the way back tu pulak, traffic jam dasyat gle..just imagine, keluar hosp sg buloh pkul 12.40 tp pukul 2.30 bru smpi shah alam..rupe2nye ade lori sampah tu accident...cmne tah..huhuhu..planned nk g HEP (mslh validation tu la) canceled..thanks bai n liza coz tlg pegi..
ptg tu, msk clinic lmbt..thank God, doctors sume xmara..hee..because tade patient, maz n i continue doing our endo project..access cavity da lps..pulp extirpation pon da lps..canal medicament pulak da nk hmpir week continue..
alhamdulillah..after all, that day isn't totally unlucky for me..*wink*