Saturday, July 31, 2010

baru2 ni (actually xla baru sgt..last saturday)hee..bdk medic ade anjurkn satu program karnival kesihatan..they asked us to join them,so..we did..karnival kesihatan tu diorg buat kat kawasan flat sec first,rse mls sgt nk pegi..pastu on that saturday..about 11.00 kot, maz text me..katenye that karnival kesihatan tu msk marks community dentistry (one of the subject)..hehe..tros la kelam-kabut plan to go out with ain changed..*peace*
so,mama pon send me there (thank mama!!!)..smpi je katsane,wow!!!ramainye org..meriah gk sambutan kat sini..menarik la..ramai gell patient paeds..seronok!hehe..there, dental student bukak satu booth for screening and OHI..rugi pulak rsenye xbwk camera..thanks to pojan for those pics..*wink*

hmm..lam kol 2,ain amek kat sane..then ktorg g amek anas kat umah die lak..after da isi perut sume..ktorg tros gerak g klang coz nk cr baju dinner anas..smpi kae klang tuh..hee..mission accomplished..yes!!then jln2 cari brg sy lak...dlm kol 8,barula smpi rumah..home sweet home..pnt btol!!..thanks ain coz teman kt cr mcm2 smpi skt kaki..hee~

Monday, July 26, 2010


aigooo!!!!!!!!!!sok ade match netball??bia btol,da la xpractice pon..huhu..bidan terjun la nmpknye ak nih...adoiyai~~~
hmm..xpernah2 main netball..msk uitm,tros kne main..if main2 je tape,ni tros msk match..wakil fac..mmg xbole bla..hahaha..all my friends time school dlu, confirm gelak terbahak2 smpi nanges2 when they heard i'm playing netball...aishhh..mmg kne kutuk la..mane xnye, dlu time skola..i'm the one yg salu skip koko..nak main sport,mmg harapan laa..xsangke jd terlebih aktif lak nw ni..wakaka...bile dri sendri igt pon,nk gelak..xbole terima langsung..smpi mama pon xpecaye..nk djadikan cerita yg lg karot dan my team,(dental nye netball team la kn)..GS tu la sy..wahahahahahahaha...da la bru nk start main,ade hati nk jd GS..bole msk ripley's believe it or not ni..huhu..lawak2..

hurm..personally..even it has been almost 3 years i'm playing netball, i still don't like it..stress..too much rules..pelik..nape la org ske men netball..mmg darah terror main netball mama xditurunkn kpd xsuke netball..jgn pakse sy..huhu..selame main netball ni,da byk kali da kne marah..haha..da ajar byk kali pon still xpandai2..da name pon org xreti sport..pemalas pulak tu..ajar byk mane pon xboleh nk terima gk..huhu..

but tomorrow tpakse la gk main..semuanya kerana fac..konon nk bersemangat fac la..huhu..hopefully this will be the last time i'm playing netball..ape nk jd pon jd la..bia je la kne mara..da kate nk main2 je kn..wawawa..

seems that i da mengarot byk ni..time for me to stop..da la report pbl xsiap ag.hahaha...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

ouhh!!!what to wear???

hmm..pening kepale da bile pk psl baju dnr..huhu..only one week saturday da dnr..this year's theme is "SPARKS OF ASIA"!!!sounds susah gell nk cr bju..haha..i still dunno what to i'm trying my bes not to be out of theme k..haha..list of choices:
(1) hanbok
(3)baju bollywood
(4)kebaya jawa
(5)Ao Dai

hmmm..mne nk cr ni??..huhuhu...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


waaa....da lame da xupdate blog ni..since the day classes started, my life jd huru hara je 3 minggu,tp rse cam setahun..hahaha..anyway..alhamdulillah..thank you Allah..none of my patient yg FTA lg..thanks a lot to all my patient..saranghae..hopefully,everything will be fine throughout this year..hmm..jadual mmg jgn ckp la..everyday pon abes kol 6++..blk umah je da pnt,pastu tros tdo..zzzzzz...on saturday lak,kne g lab..cuti ku hny lah pd hari AHAD..huhu..hari yg sgt bahagia..(fuhh..)

hmm..since da lame sgt xtulis ni kn..saje2 la nk selitkn betape hepynye sy bile....SPAIN WIN!!!!!yes!!!yahoooo!!!hoorraaay!!

ok,thats enough for cup pn da lame habis..haha

nw nk cite psl korea lak..hehe..memandangkn hari2 asyik tgk mulut org je..korean variety show is one of the thing yg boleh mengurangkan stress...lately i've been watching WGM..two versions at once..*wink*
yonghwa-seohyun n nickhun-victoria..personally, i think yonghwa is more caring and romantic compared to nickhun..haha..xsabar nk tggu nxt episode..weeehuuu~

hmm..guess thats enough for this time..actually byk lg nk diluahkan,tp da xlarat be continue next time..lalalala...*wink*