Time pass so fast..sdr2 je da 3 years jd dntal stdnt...Alhamdulillah..after 2 weeks pulun stdy akhrnye exam pon start..huhu..another 2 weeks plak kne pulun jwb xm..huhu..mmg memenatkn and 100% mendebarkn..results for oral patho came out few days before exam gmgs..so, some of my friends got viva distinction..(waa,besnye..congratz korg!!)..hmm, at first tu rse a bit down gk la..coz tkot fail ke kn..huhu..tp after that dpt tau all 32 of us LULUS..besnye!!!Alhamdulillah..but that's not the end..still have another one more paper..yg ni lg la mendebarkn (felt like half dead men,huhu)..huhuhu..its happen on the second week of exam..after last paper in the morning, result tros keluar ptg tu..huhuhuhu..only Allah knows how it feels..tunggu punye tunggu..tunggu lagi..(agk lame la gak dok xwat pape)..akhirnye...smpi la msenye, result di umum kn..dup dap dup dap..Dr Faiz pon sebutkn matrix number of those people yg dpt viva..in my head mase tuh, mmg mengharap nk pass je...suddenly..JENG JENG JENG!!!..i heard mine was coming out from Dr Faiz's mouth..what!!!(mimpi apekah ini??)..wooowoottt~~
Alhamdulillah..dpt gk rase viva tuh cmne..happynye!!!!thanks Allah~
Alhamdulillah..dpt gk rase viva tuh cmne..happynye!!!!thanks Allah~
and yg "plg membahagiakn" of all is semua org in my batch passed the professional exam 3...yuhhhoooo!!!!!welcome to Year 4 everyone!!*wink*